Friday, August 25, 2006


Erm.. i am feeling kind of flattered and slightly embarassed because I haven't been linking student's blogs to mine as they did me!

so here it is dear students,
thank you for still remembering me.

I am very touched.

I hope my students especially the loveable p6s, will do well for their examinations.
Which is as CYL tells me is less than 20 skudaes (schooldays) away.

Although you all remembered my existence, I think you have forgotten me visually.
Otherwise how can you explain the phenomenon that nobody comes up to me and greet me when they meet me outside?

I saw alot of students, they seemed all grown up. But they always treat me as if I am invisible and walk pass me. That kind of feeling very bad indeed.

I think these students probably do not recognise me especially since I have started to grow out my short hairdo. And now, I am sporting a curly hairdo. So that's probably the reason why?

I dont know but I give them the benefit of a doubt.

keep writing and keep staying in touch!
Love reading everything about you.

Whatdayou know?!

Nurul Maideen was booted out last night - was it a surprise?

Of course, I agree with what Ken Lim says again about deserving final 6 and the dignified exit from the program.

While I do applaud Joachim Gomez's humility and ability to hold firm despite the criticisms for his performance ( I'm one of his harshest critic, I scream when I see that he is still in the contest, i shudder when he sings) i think the competition has fast become a nightmare for him the longer the stays in the competition.

Do you get what I mean?

each week, poor Joachim does his thing on the stage. How many of us thinks that his thing is really up to par? Despite all the judges having something not nice to say about his singing, he is stlil back week after week to face the humiliation of being humiliated time and time again by the criticism of the judges and homeviewers.

These homeviewers take their grouses to the gym, to the movies, to the coffeeshops and you hear them talk about Joachim being only good looking and not having the ability to sing and yet he's still in the competition.

If you are joachim, how would you feel?
The pressure from the criticisms and the commontalk is immense.
I'm sure he too feel that he should be voted out so that he can rest in peace, without having to go through the humiliation every time he is on the stage.

Yet his avid supporters are supporting him by voting for him parting with their dollars but in doing so he gets humiliated further?

We know, we have ears, we know that his ability to sing as compared to the rest who can, is as different as a chicken and a duck.

When we vote for him unthinkingly, are we actually torturing him?
Or are we really helping him?

If I were you, I probably not vote for him, so that he can be given a dignified exit.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Videos on demand - for free.

For those of you who like me mised the performance on last Wednesday because you thought it was not wednesday yet.. here's my favourite contestant's video.

Thanks pearly for sharing the secret with me! =)


Matilda was booted out ... was it a surprise ?

A Long time ago, I told a friend of mine, the 2 older contestants will be voted out much sooner than the rest of the contestants.

Ken Lim, one of the judges of the competition, Singapore Idol 2, also mentioned during one of the shows that he hoped the 2 contestants Jay Lim and Matilda will get to stay longer in the competition because the 2 has got good singing techniques, which he hopes the others will learn from.

So, I would say that ken has already expected this elimination even though he wished for them to go further in the competition.

I knew these 2 contestants would be voted out not because they cannot sing well, but rather because they are older and do not appeal to the mass of people who are voting for them.

The age group of viewers who watch Singapore Idols are mostly people who are in the primary to the secondary school, thus it is no wonder that the older contestants often do not find themselves well favoured.

They are also booted out because they lacked the charisma on the telly.

Do you think that you were once touched by their performance or do you feel like it is just another person singing?

if one is a good singer, you will be able to sway the masses with your performance, electrifying or not.. you will be able do it with your delivery of the songs.

I felt the sense of lost and remorse when Jonathan Leong delivered, "Dance with my father" I was almost moved to tears - even though his pronouciation of certain words were muffled.

I felt the electricity when MAtilda delivered her song during the british songs week. I forgot the title but it was a truly diva-ish performance.

I do not feel this when JAsmine is singing, I do not feel this either when Jay Lim is singing. In fact, these days when I listen to Robbie william's Love supreme I shudder when I think of Jay's delivery of this same song.

I shudder when I hear the theme song of F.r.i.e.n.d.s being played on the radio because i cnanot forget the way Jochim Gomez sang the song.

Therefore, I think sometimes the audience who are watching and voting for their singapore idol are voting for them blindly rather than voting for them according to their talent.

If this goes on, I dread to see who will emerge winner of Singapore Idol 2.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

singapore Idol - August week 2!


I just realised this ... today is thursday.

due to my headache for the past 3 days and the hectic going ons in school. I so totally missed yesterday's performance! omg!

my favourite songs genre! so many smashing performance performances! And I missed them~!

Goodness gracious me!

I tried to watch them via the internet so that I would be able to make judgement on who will be out..... i couldn't find any!

help somebody?! Where can i go view the repeat of the spectaculars?!


PSLE students:

i wish you all the best for your examinations, although it might really come in too late now, since 1/2 of you already sat for one paper today, well.. better late than never right!

Good luck! stay calm and cool!
You guys rock!


Monday, August 07, 2006

An unhappy day

today is one tiring day... both physical and emotionally.

Physically because today's my school's PFT day. entire school was involved.

discipline problems also took its toll on me. I hate to waste time on discipline problems, but they are part of the job.

Its annoying when boys started to pretend that they are paul twohill and started to dress up their faces to look like him... that gothic look -- in school.

that's just not the way to be in schools.

why can't they get it?

It is frustrating and its driving teachers insane!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Reading blogs

I have this fixation about reading blogs. I read them most loyally. When I have completed doing the stuff im supposed to be doing, I would be reading a blog. When I have got nothing to do, I would be online to read a blog. when I wake up and I fill empty inside out, I will read a blog.

blogs tell you so much about a person's perspective of life.
there are people who do up their blogs as a way of ranting.. dishing out anger at a targeted somebody, or a group of people. there are also blogs that I think teaches you how to sing because they regularly post up lyrics of a song, with no other explanation of whatsoever ...

I enjoy reading blogs with funny posts, blogs about daily lives, blogs that are reflective about what one person have done in the day or the past week/month.

Recently I read a very interesting blog of a celebrity to be, he is non-other than the singapore Idol contestant johnathan leong.

As all of you might have noticed, I do think very well of jonathan leong and I think he has got what it takes to be an idol.

Interestingly enough, he writes well, most suitably for a NUS Undergraduate. He talks about his childhood, who doesnt reminisce about one's childhood, its the best time of your life!

Today he talk about how he is not a morning person and he breaks many mugs until one fine day, his mom gave him a plastic cup.

I do think his mother has got loads of patience =)

his background is most ordinary, he is most humble and I think he rocks ;P

check out his blog here.