Friday, February 08, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year 2008

Hello hello

In the twinkling of an eye, the year 2007 is gone and we are already in the 2nd month of year 2008!

2007 has been a really busy, stressful year for it and it was also a fruitful year.

Busy and stressful because:
1. it was the year i got married. Wedding preparations really make you all strung up until the very day itself.

2. I was given a primary 6 class to teach English and they have loads of catching up to do before they could sit for the PSLE.

3. It was the year when I also became mother to my baby. The pregnancy was especially difficult in the first trimester. Anxiety attacks when the visit to doctor showed abnormality but all is well now. Thank God.

It was fruitful because:

1. The entire p6 class cleared their examinations. Nobody was retained. All my hardwork and working from 7am to 5.30 pm paid off.

2. Baby was borned and I have learned to understand baby's needs.

So there... that was what 2007 was to me.

In 2008, I will be teaching in another school, since my previous school has merged with this present one. I will return to teach in that school come 18th February, when my maternity leave is up. I hope this year will continue to be a good and fruitful year.

And I think the most exciting part of 2008 would be to see my baby learning new things.

Here's a picture of her..

MY dear Baby!

And since today is the 2nd day of the CNY, here's wishing you
学业进步, 万事如意, 笑口常开!

Love M.