Thursday, August 17, 2006

singapore Idol - August week 2!


I just realised this ... today is thursday.

due to my headache for the past 3 days and the hectic going ons in school. I so totally missed yesterday's performance! omg!

my favourite songs genre! so many smashing performance performances! And I missed them~!

Goodness gracious me!

I tried to watch them via the internet so that I would be able to make judgement on who will be out..... i couldn't find any!

help somebody?! Where can i go view the repeat of the spectaculars?!


PSLE students:

i wish you all the best for your examinations, although it might really come in too late now, since 1/2 of you already sat for one paper today, well.. better late than never right!

Good luck! stay calm and cool!
You guys rock!